Northern Kentucky
Amateur Radio Club


Past Club Presentations & Misc. Documents

Portable Packs Show and Tell

On September 12, 2022, NKARC members shared details of their personal portable radio packs.

Introduction to Parks on the Air

On August 8, Chester Howe, KO4TKS, shared his experiences with operating Parks on the Air.

Visit to Haile Planetarium at NKU

On June 13, 2022, Haile Planetarium director Christa Speights gave a fascinating program on the physics of the Sun, and how it affects life and communications on Earth. She followed that with a tour through the summer night sky on the dome of the planetarium, highlighting many constellations. She also shared recent images of the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

New and Upcoming Products from DX Engineering

On May 9, 2022, guest speaker Tim Duffy, K3LR, shared the latest products available from DX Engineering.

What Can DMR Do For You?

On Feb. 21, 2022, guest speakers, Cody Cameron, W3AMG, & Josh Landewee, BridgeCom Systems, did a presentation on Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) detailing the benefits for hams.  They spoke about several BridgeCom products including SkyBridge, their dual band digital hotspot, and product bundles.  They also offered explainations of some of the features of DMR and fielded questions from the audience.

Kit Building Techniques For Success

On Jan 10, 2022, Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB, shared his tips and techniques for sucessful kit building.  His talk included lots of great ideas for sorting/storing parts, necessary and recommended tools and equipment, and sources for lots of ham radio kits to build.

Golden Age of Shortwave Radio

For the Nov. 2021 meeting, Mark Volstad, AI4BJ, took us on an intriguing and nostalgic journey through the "Golden Age of Shortwave Radio."   Although, in Mark's words, "the Internet has ruined everything," for ShortWave Listeners (SWLs) there are still interesting shortwave stations to be found on the air.  Since most of us already have a general coverage shortwave receiver, try tuning across some of the shortwave bands to see what you can find.  Mark's Powerpoint file is available below. The interval signals mentioned in the presentation can be heard at

ARRL Happenings

On Sept. 13, 2021, guest speaker, ARRL Great Lakes Division Vice Director, Scott Yonally, N8SY, presented many interesting facts about the ARRL.   He talked about the benefits ARRL provides to clubs and all Hams, and answered questions from the group.

Analog Scanners Go Deaf in Northern Kentucky!?

A transcript (.txt file) of the Aug. 10, 2020, virtual meeting is available at the link below. The program was on the new P25 Phase2 system now in use in Northern KY, and what equipmemt is needed to listen in on the new channels. It was presented by Vod Villari, KJ4IAM, and Tommy Thompson, K4OCN.

Vintage CW Transmitters

Several circa 1929 CW transmitters artfully recreated by Gary Poland, W8PU.

The Road to 6 Meters, "It's the Magic Band"

Christian Bravo's May 14, 2018, presentation, The Road to 6 Meters, "It's the Magic Band", is available in either PDF format or as a PowerPoint file (.pptx) below.

Summits On The Air: "A Trip to Pine Mountain"

A copy of Christain Bravo's & Mark Volstad's November 13rd 2017, presentation, Summits On The Air: "A Trip to Pine Mountain" is available below. Also, a video of their Pine Mountain SOTA activation.

Using an SDR Rcvr for a Panadapter

A copy of Dave Core's October. 9th, 2017, presentation, Using an SDR Rcvr for a Panadapter is available here.

Arduino Resources

A copy of an Arduino Resources sheet prepared by Mark, AI4BJ, in conjunction with his 10/11/16 presentation is available here.

The Road to CW de W4ALF

A copy of the booklet The Road to CW de W4ALF, by Christian Bravo, presented on 3/14/2016, is available here.

The Feedline

The Feedline, the club newsletter was originated and edited by Joe Burke, WA8OGS (1974 to 1976), then edited by Tim Anderson, AG4XM (?? to July, 2005), Brian Clark, W4SOU (Aug. 2005 to Jan. 2007), and Mark Volstad, AI4BJ (Feb., 2007 to Sept., 2012).  It was discontinued in 2012.  See below for available past issues.


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Vol 1, Num 1 Nov Dec

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